Budget Residences for Students and Young Professionals in London

LONDONIST - STUDENT ACCOMMODATION AGENCY Flexible summer accommodation, starting from three nights or more Available both for a student or a young professional looking for a co-living space in central London Over 20 locations across central London including Kings Cross, Shoreditch, Old Street, Aldgate and many more! Studio rooms with your own bathroom and kitchen Fully furnished and all-inclusive bills Study & social spaces https://www.londonist.co.uk/landing-student/summer-booking/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=endigitals&utm_campaign=summerbooking&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuP5BRCoARIsAPtX_wHxO5-ptbOptAA0VoREoA00xRtUhEz7Kjnl04VHUhG46WPlImCMUqEaArtSEALw_wcB


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